
Today, I’m #20 on the call schedule after being #2 last night.  It wasn’t bad… I left work around 7:30p and never got called back to the hospital.  That’s a great #2 night!  A couple of days ago, I awoke with a pinched nerve along the left side of my neck and it’s incredibly uncomfortable turning my head and just doing regular tasks (i.e. making the bed).  Right now, I wreak of Bengay and I’m partially comforted with some Aleve.  Hot compress, you are next!  Sometimes, it’s really nice to enjoy a lazy morning with zero agenda other than to catch up on life and maybe even do some self reflection.

A buddy of mine sent me this article and asked me my thoughts….

How Many Children Should You Have?

I gave it a once over and thought, this is interested.  A small sample size of various parents from various geographical regions all commenting on their children.  Their is italicized because it seems like commenting on what the perfect number of children to have is so personal and completely unique to their experience.

It’s a heavy duty article with a lot of good perspective. I kind of agree with them all. I liked the one with 3 kids best… and the one with no kids the least. Since when did the purpose of procreation become about supporting the older generation? I had a tough one with that. I don’t think people have kids to look after them in old age.

What do u think?

This article came at a perfect time for me.  Bear and I just got married; we’re older… and we’re looking to start a family.  I just went on an Amazon spending spree for knowledge:

Even as an M.D., I am thirsty for knowledge in an area that I know pretty little about.  Sure, I’ve rotated on OB/GYN as a med student — but that was back in 2005.  Plus, doing two months of a rotation doesn’t equal a full understanding of mom’s body and baby’s development.  It taught me how to safely deliver a baby, but I need to know and understand the building blocks leading up to that.  Secondly, I’m an anesthesiologist who places labor epidurals for our pregnant ladies getting ready to welcome their little bundles of joy into the world.  I typically meet the moms when they are having contractions and wanting pain control and follow-up with them at delivery.  So you can see, there’s a 9 month knowledge gap that I need to fill in.

If you’re a future mom and are interested in an epidural, educate yourself on the pros and cons as well as what you expect to feel and when to ask for an epidural.

My blog post regarding OB Anesthesia

Remember, it is dependent on YOU as you are in control of your pain.  A pain scale will vary from person to person (i.e. everyone has different pain tolerances).  There’s no magical dilation number that tells you when to ask for an epidural.  Keep in mind that you will need to hold extremely still when you do ask for an epidural.  So please make it easy on your anesthesiologist (and yourself) and ask for an epidural when you are able to be as motionless as a statue — otherwise, it may be too risky to request an epidural if you are in too much pain to stay still.